
Engineering and Technology

16 Dec 2024


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This research focuses on addressing optimal control problems (OCP) constrained by nonlinear or-dinary differential equations. The Variational Iteration Method (VIM) addresses these problems
since it allows for determining extreme c

ircumstances obtained from Pontryagin’s Maximum Prin-ciple (PMP). Consequently, this results in formulating a nonlinear problem involving two boundary points. Unlike standard numerical approaches, VIM does not need to be discretized, linearized, or perturbed. Moreover, the method has gained widespread application for solving nonlinear problems,
and various enhancements have been suggested to overcome potential limitations in the solution process. Furthermore, one significant area in VIM that has proven valuable is solving Riccati equa-tions, making it an indispensable tool within control theory. The method can reduce computational
dimensions and effectively overcome challenges associated with perturbation techniques. Therefore, this research presents examples and highlights the strong capabilities of the VIM approach to demon-
strate its effectiveness. Thus, by these examples, the study illustrates the potential and efficacy of the VIM technique.                                                               


Orji Josiah Chukwuebuka

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